The Institute for Global Business nominates and sponsors four CoB students at The University of Akron for the Cleveland LEADS program


The Institute for Global Business nominated 4 deserving CoB students to participate in the Cleveland LEADS: Leadership, Exchange, and Diplomacy Scholars program - a 10-week course that draws on subject matter experts and enables young professionals to explore their own leadership style and how they can become more globally-minded leaders. This interactive and introspective course is built around three key program pillars: leadership development, global competency, and international exchange.

Participation and successful completion of this program enabled the students to be one step closer in developing themselves to be a leader in an increasingly globalized world; enhance their knowledge and understanding on topics of global awareness, international complexity and diversity, intercultural understanding, and global competency so they you can have a greater impact in their community and help shape the region they live and work in.

The 4 participants from the CoB at UA were:

  • Alex Grdic
  • Fredella Coker
  • Elia Meltzer
  • Hameedullah Shinwari

Their participation was made possible due to a generous scholarship from our academic partner: The Cleveland Council of World Affairs and financial support from the Institute for Global Business.