
The University of Akron Strategic Plan

Promises and Aspirations​


Inclusive Excellence & Belonging

Promise III

To increase our commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging.​​

1. Enhance students’ sense of belonging and their ability to work and live in a complex
global environment.

  1. Establish baseline data on student engagement and belonging via administration of the National Survey of Student
    Engagement (NSSE).
  2. Expand opportunities for student engagement, including evaluating and enhancing the peer mentoring process and
    increasing the percentage of first-year students participating in learning communities.
  3. Support Undergraduate Student Government (USG) and Graduate Student Government (GSG) in efforts to enhance
    belonging by elevating the campus experience and sharing UA’s history and traditions.

2. Foster an inclusive and equitable educational and work environment.

  1. Revise academic policies to support student success.
  2. Leverage ‘Complete College America’ partnership to further close institutional performance gaps with a focus on
    developmental education, online learning, institutional research and four-year guided pathways.
  3. Improve training for employee awareness of and ability to engage with a broad variety of perspectives

    Promises and Aspirations​

    Strategic Plan


    Lifelong Learning​


    Flourishing People​


    Social Impact​