How do I...?
- Make an advising appointment
Seeing your adviser early in the semester can save a lot of time and hassle.
- Why do I have a hold?
The policy for withdrawing from a class has changed. Become familiar with the new requirements and deadlines.
- Schedule classes, add a class, see an exam schedule...In My Akron, you can add or drop a class, view your class or exam schedule, make a payment and do other tasks. Here is how...
- Transfer to my Degree Granting College (major) To leave University College and transfer into my major, follow these steps.
- Allow your adviser to share your information
Allow us to release your information to people you designate (like a parent).
- Take a class at another university/college
Use this form to take a class at another institution as a guest student. - Academic Forms
For Student appeals or students on an academic contract.