Dr. Francisco (Paco) Moore
Title: Emeritus
Dept/Program: Biology
Office: ASEC D429
Phone: 330-972-2572
Fax: 330-972-8445
Email: moore@uakron.edu
Curriculum Vitae: Download in PDF format
Research interests
The evolutionary consequences of gene-gene interactions
Theoretical population genetics
Experimental evolution in bacteria
The interface between micro and macro evolution
The evolution of novelty
Selected publications
Fraser, L.H., K. Mulac, F. B. G. Moore 2014. Germination of 14 freshwater wetland plants as affected by oxygen and light. Aquatic Botany 114: 29-34
Flynn, K.M., T.F. Cooper, F.B.G. Moore, V.S. Cooper 2013. The environment affects epistatic interactions to alter the topology of an empirical fitness landscape. PLoS genetics 9 (4), e1003426
Marks, C., S. M. Lombardo, K. L. Formanik; F. B. G. Moore, B. Bagatto. 2012. The influence of ontogenetic dietary fluctuations on zebrafish size and swimming performance. Frontiers in Physiology 3: 310 DOI:10.3389/fphys.2012.00310
Marks, C., K.P. Kaut, F. B. G. Moore, B. Bagatto. 2012. Ontogenetic Oxygen Changes Alter Zebra Fish Size, Behavior, and Blood Glucose. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 85:635-644
Taylor, P. R., G. K. Koski, C. C. Paustian, E. Bailey, P. A. Cohen, F. B. G. Moore, D. H. Zimmerman, and K. S. Rosenthal. 2010. J-LEAPS vaccines initiate murine Th1 responses by activating dendritic cells. Vaccine 28:5533-5542.
Purrenhage J.L., Niewiarowski P.H., Moore F.B.-G. 2009. Population structure of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in a fragmented landscape. Molecular Ecology 18: 235-247
Ramlo, S. E., McConnell, D., Duan, Z.-H. and Moore F. B. 2008. Evaluating an Inquiry-based Bioinformatics Course Using Q Methodology. J Sci Educ Technol 17(3): 219-225.
O’Connor, B.C., J. Kearns, F. B.-G. Moore, 2007 Provocations on the Structure of Scholarly Writing in the Digital Era. On The Horizon 15(4): 222-238
Kharsikar, S., D. Mugler, D. Sheffer, F. B.-G. Moore and Z.-H. Duan 2007. A Weighted k-Nearest Neighbor Method for Gene Ontology Based Protein Function Prediction. IMSCCS||07 Proceedings, IEEE Computer Society, USA. 2: 25-31
Purrenhage Jennifer L., Niewiarowski P.H., Moore F.B.-G. 2009. Regional population dynamics of spotted salamanders (Ambystoma maculatum) in a fragmented landscape. Molecular Ecology (In Press)
Moore, Francisco B.-G., and Woods, R.J. 2006 Tempo and Constraint of Adaptive Evolution in Escherichia coli. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 88: 403-411
Marks, C., West, T., Bagatto B., and Moore, F.B.-G. 2005 Developmental Environment Alters Conditional Aggression in Zebrafish. Copeia (4): 901-908
Moore, Francisco B.-G., and D. E. Rozen, and R. E. Lenski. 2000 Pervasive compensation for deleterious mutations in experimental populations of E. coli. Proceedings of the Royal Society London B. 267: 515-52
Whitlock, M. C., P. C. Phillips, F. B.-G. Moore and S. J. Tonsor. 1995 Multiple fitness peaks and epistasis. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 26: 601-629.
Moore, Francisco B.-G., and S. J. Tonsor. 1994 A simulation of Wright's shifting-balance process: migration and the three phases. Evolution 48: 69-80
- Ph.D., Michigan State University, Kellogg Bio. Station, Dept. of Zoology, and Ecol. And Evol. Biology Program
- B.S., Michigan State University, Department of Zoology
- B.S., Michigan State University, General Bio. (Biochemistry emphasis)