Dr. Gary Holliday

Gary M. Holliday Ph.D.

Director/ Professor Curricular & Instructional Studies
LeBron James Family Foundation School of Education (Middle Level and AYA Science)

Professional Service

  • Reviewer, NARST Annual Meeting, Strand 4, “Pre-service Teacher Education,” 2005
  • Reviewer, NARST Annual Meeting, Strand 6, “Science Learning in Informal Contexts," 2007-present
  • Reviewer, International Journal of Science Education, 2008-present
  • Reviewer, NARST Annual Meeting, Strand 8, “In-service Science Teacher Education," 2009-present
  • Reviewer, NARST Annual Meeting, Strand 13, “History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science, 2010
  • Reviewer, AERA Annual Meeting, Division C, “Learning and Instruction," 2010
  • Reviewer, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 2010-present
  • Contributor, Write It/Do It Event, Rhode Island Science Olympiad, Rhode Island College (1996-2000)
  • Council for Elementary Science International workshop presenter at NSTA, 2008 “Make-and-Take”
  • Presider, Global Conversations in Science Education Conference during the 2011 NSTA National Conference (San Francisco, March)
  • Reviewer, AERA Annual Meeting, SIG - Informal Learning Environments Research, 2012-14

  • Reviewer, AERA Annual Meeting, SIG - Out-of-School Time, 2012-14

  • Reviewer, Journal of Science Teacher Education, 2013-present

  • Reviewer, School Science and Mathematics, 2014-present

  • Reviewer, European Journal of Psychology of Education, 2014

  • Reviewer, Routledge/Taylor & Francis, 2014-present

  • Reviewer, Science Education, 2014-present

Selected Professional Activities

  1. Presider, Strand 6 sponsored session Translating Theory into Practice in Informal Settings during the 2015 NARST international conference (Chicago, IL, April)
  2. Presider, Strand 6 Administrative Sponsored Symposium - Global Perspectives on Trends in Informal Science Education Research during the 2016 NARST international conference (Baltimore, MD, April)
  3. Presenter, Graduate Student Forum during the 2016 NARST international conference (Baltimore, MD, April).
  4. Presenter, Graduate Student Forum during the 2017 NARST international conference (San Antonio, TX, April).
  5. Coordinator, Mentor-Mentee Nexus during the 2018 NARST international conference (Atlanta, GA, March).
  6. Coordinator, Mentor-Mentee Nexus during the 2019 NARST international conference (Baltimore, MD, April).
  7. Facilitator, Graduate Student Forum during the 2019 NARST international conference (Baltimore, MD, April).
  8. Member, Membership Committee for the National Association for Research in Science Teaching (NARST), 2017-2020.
  9. Coordinator, Mentor-Mentee Nexus during the 2020 NARST international conference (Portland, OR, March).