Admissions at MCUC

Admissions to UA Medina

UA Medina operates under a policy of rolling admissions, which means you will receive a letter of admission as soon as all of your credentials are on file with us. However, no decision can be made final until complete credentials are received. Because of that, there is no established date for notification since it is an ongoing procedure. If you have questions, or for further information please contact Robert Harris III, Assistant Director of Admissions at 330-684-8980 or by email at

Admissions Procedures

  1. Submit an application by using UA's Online Application.
    You will have the opportunity to select Medina as campus of attendance.

  2. All new freshmen must submit a high school transcript or GED scores.

  3. The University has made submitting ACT/SAT test scores optional as part of its holistic review for admission. If you choose not to submit test scores, you’ll still be given full consideration for admission and merit scholarships. See answers to your questions about our test-optional admissions requirements.

  4. All transfer students must request an official transcript from each college attended.

  5. All R.N./L.P.N.s must request a transcript from nursing schools attended.

Click on the following links to find out more information about the admission procedures for the various student types:

Complete assessment testing in reading, math and English in order to be placed in appropriate courses. Meet with an academic adviser for proper placement and scheduling assistance.

Once you are registered, refer to your bill for fees payment deadlines. Payment of fees completes the registration process.

If you apply to the Akron campus, but later decide to attend UA Medina, you need not complete another application for admission. Akron will simply forward your application to the Medina campus.

Helpful Links

Autumn at The Medina County University Center

UA's Medina is located just south of Medina. See map.

Viewbook 2021-2022