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UARF Senior Fellows, Project Executive and Executives-in-Residence work pro bono to

connect industry, entrepreneurs, and

University of Akron researchers – offering mentorship, guidance and a wealth of regional connections.

Mentorship 1


Senior Fellow

  • Experience: Technology Director and manager of business units in the chemicals, rubber and elastomer industries
  • Prior to UARF: Exxon Chemical, GenCorp, Advanced Elastomer Systems, OMNOVA Solutions
  • Credentials: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Northwestern University
  • Interests: wealth creation, angel investment and regional innovation
mentorship 2


Senior Fellow

  • Experience: Strategic leadership of chemical and elastomer division; directing marketing, supply chain, manufacturing, engineering, and R&D activities
  • Prior to UARF: The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company, University Innovation Ventures
  • Credentials: ABD in Chemical Engineering, and MBA
mentorship 3


Project Executive

  • Experience: Industrial electrochemical and metal coatings business management, commercial development of chemicals for battery industry, and commercialization of technology from federal labs
  • Prior to UARF: Diamond Shamrock, SICO Industries, Hall Chemical, Harshaw Chemical, various startups
  • Interests: Industrial electrochemistry, batteries and energy storage, coatings, and technology startups.
  • “UARF gives me the opportunity to explore exciting new technologies and apply a lifetime of experience to help bring them to market.”