Women in Psychology at The University of Akron

What is Women in Psychology?

Women in Psychology is an esteemed organization established and actively managed by visionary women within the University of Akron’s community. Our primary mission is to cultivate and nurture a profound sense of confidence, pride, and empowerment among students who aspire to pursue fulfilling careers within the field of Psychology. Women in Psychology welcomes students who identify as Women and/or non-binary. Whether you are an undergraduate or graduate student, if you are majoring or minoring in psychology, or simply have an interest in psychology, you are eligible and encouraged to become a part of our organization. Through our organization, you will find a multitude of opportunities for personal and professional growth. We provide a platform for networking, mentorship, and knowledge-sharing, allowing you to connect with like-minded peers, engage in enriching discussions, and access resources that can enhance your academic and career endeavors in the field of psychology. Join Women in Psychology, where we are committed to empowering the next generation of psychology professionals and fostering a supportive community that values collaboration, excellence, and personal growth.


Social Media

To be up-to-date on announcements, events, meeting times, and other information, follow our social media page:

Instagram: @akronwomeninpsych


2024-2025 Officers

President: Emily Smith (ems245@uakron.edu

Vice President: Gill Humphreys (geh35@uakron.edu

Treasurer: Shannon Kirkpatrick (sgk26@uakron.edu)

Recruitment Chair: Audrey Fuller (arf114@uakron.edu

Advisor: Jennifer Stanley (jstanley@uakron.edu)


Women in Psychology

Department of Psychology

College of Arts and Sciences Building, Room 360A


Women in Psychology

Department of Psychology

290 E. Buchtel Ave.

Akron, OH 44325-4301

Contact Information

For more information, contact Emily Smith, Gill Humphreys, or Jennifer Stanley

Organization Email


Examples of events and activities in which we participate

  • Make a Difference Day
  • Women’s Shelter donation drive
  • Women’s Empowerment Summit
  • Guest speakers
  • Painting night
  • Cummings Center of the History of Psychology
  • Informational sessions
  • Movie Night

Resources Paper: List of helpful resources for students


For more information, contact Emily Smith, Gill Humphreys, or Dr. Jennifer Stanley: 

President: Emily Smith

Vice President: Gill Humphreys

Advisor: Jennifer Stanley, Ph.D. (she/her)
Chair & Professor of Psychology 
The University of Akron
Akron, Ohio 44325-4301