
Apply what you learn in the classroom and build a portfolio with a School of Communication internship.

A School of Communication intern on location in the city of Akron.An internship is the capstone of your academic career. It allows you to apply what you are learning in the classroom to real world situations while earning credit hours. This hands-on experience not only benefits you by giving you valuable exposure to the Communication field, but it also provides you with network opportunities and the ability to add quality items to your professional portfolio. What a great way to prepare for your career!

To learn more about our internship program, please review the following information:

  1. Basic Internship Information
  2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
  3. Policies, Procedures and Special Notes

Take advantage of internship opportunities in the following areas:  Public Relations, Organizational Communication, News, Radio and Television, New Media, Media Production, Media Copywriting, Event Planning, Sports Marketing, Promotional Publications, Training Methods and many more.

"It's exciting to see all the theories and concepts I learned come alive. The first time I wrote a news release and later saw it in print was awesome. It made all those late nights studying or writing papers worth it."

Katie, a Business and Organizational Communication Intern
from UA's School of Communication.



To be eligible for an undergraduate internship you must be a major in the School of Communication, have a GPA of 2.3 or higher in the School of Communication and have completed a minimum of 24 credits in Communication (7600-level) courses. 


Complete the School of Communication Internship Application and attach a copy of your current résumé.  Submit all materials to the School of Communication, Kolbe Hall, Room 108, before the application deadline. 

Internship application deadlines

While some internships can be set up very quickly, students are strongly encouraged to begin the process several months before the term begins. Many internships, particularly ones that are paid, may be filled weeks or months before the internship actually begins. For those reasons, the following timelines are strongly encouraged:

Fall semester internship applications should be received no later than the first week of April.

Spring internship applications should be received no later than the first week of October.

Summer internship applications should be received no later than the last week of February.

Top reasons to complete an internship

  1. Apply your class knowledge in a real-world workplace.
  2. Add items for your portfolio, to demonstrate your experience.
  3. Meet professionals in the field and begin to build a network.
  4. Step ahead of the pack: Many businesses and nonprofits expect applicants to have internship experience.
  5. Students who have completed an internship earn up to 20 percent more than those without.


All applicants, whether approved or not, are contacted through email by the internship coordinator several weeks after the application deadline. If approved, immediately contact the coordinator to schedule an appointment to discuss potential placement based on your career aspirations and academic preparation.

The supervisor at the organization discussed in your meeting will contact you directly to set up an interview. As with any job interview, you are expected to:

  • research the organization before the interview
  • dress professionally
  • arrive promptly
  • present yourself in a professional manner
  • bring several printed copies of your resume

If an internship is decided upon, an Agreement Form is completed by you and the supervisor, to outline your responsibilities and the number of credit/work hours you will fulfill. After the form is approved by the internship coordinator, bring the form to the office in Kolbe Hall 108 and you will be registered for your internship academic credit/s.


Students approved for internships can take 3 hours or  6 credit hours for their internship program, but the total number of internship credits during their undergraduate academic career cannot exceed 6. For students interested in completing two internship programs, they must register for 3 credit hours for each. 


During the fall and spring semesters, each academic credit taken for an internship requires 3.5 clock hours per week. During the 10-week summer period, each academic credit taken for the internship program requires 5.25 clock hours per week.

INTERNSHIP TERM 3 credits 6 credits
Fall Semester (15 weeks) 10.5 hrs/week 21 hrs/week
Spring Semester (15 weeks) 10.5 hrs/week 21 hrs/week
Summer (10 weeks) 15.75 hrs/week 31.5 hrs/week
Total hours in program: 157.50 hours 315 hours


Internship experience usually only earns credit hours for the student. If a company offers financial compensation the arrangement is made strictly between the organization and the intern.  The UA School of Communication does not provide any financial arrangements between interns and organizations.


Interns are required to attend five class meetings if their internship is during fall or spring semesters. No class meets during summer internships, and students interning out-of-state are excused.


Weekly Internship Reports are the responsibility of each intern. These reports include detailed descriptions of specific activities, tasks, or duties performed for each work day. Interns are responsible for consistently completing the reports and delivering them to the Internship Coordinator. 


Your internship grade is evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Completion of required internship hours
  • Final evaluation by internship supervisor
  • Completion and timely submission of weekly internship reports
  • Attendance at class seminars
  • Completion and quality of additional assignments
  • Completion and quality of Final Internship Report

For complete internship information contact the School of Communication Internship Coordinator, Mr. Christopher Keppler, at 330-972-7821, or by email at


Am I eligible for an Internship Program? To be eligible for an internship in the School of Communication, you must currently be an undergraduate major in the School of Communication, have a GPA of a 3.0 or higher among courses offered by the School of Communication, and have completed a minimum of 24 credits in Communication classes (7600-level courses). 

How do I apply for an Internship Program and when are the deadlines?  You must complete the School of Communication Student Internship Application.  Make certain to complete all areas and attach a copy of your current resume.  Submit all materials to the School of Communication, Kolbe Hall, Room 108, before the application deadline.

Internship Application Deadlines: 

  • Fall Semester Internships:  Applications must be received no later than the first Friday in April of the same year
  • Spring Semester Internships:  Applications must be received no later than the first Friday in October of the preceding year
  • Summer Internships:  Applications must be received no later than the first Friday in February of the same year

How does the Internship Review Process work? Once all applications are received, they will be reviewed to make sure the student meets the criteria for an internship through the program.  If you are approved, you will be contacted by the Internship Coordinator by email no later than two weeks after the application deadline date. The Internship Coordinator will then schedule an appointment to meet with you in person to discuss potential internship placement based on your career aspirations and your academic preparation.

 You will then set up an interview with the potential internship organization and meet with their internship supervisor.  If an internship is agreed upon, an Internship Agreement Form will be completed by you and the organization’s internship supervisor, outlining your internship responsibilities.   Once the form is reviewed and approved by the Internship Coordinator, we will be able to register you for your internship academic credit hours.

How many credits can I take for an Internship? Students approved for internships can take 3 hours or  6 credit hours for their internship program, but the total number of internship credits during their undergraduate academic career cannot exceed 6. For students interested in completing two internship programs, they must register for 3 credit hours for each. 

How many hours do I need to intern at my organization? During the fall and spring semesters, each academic credit taken for the internship program requires 3.5 clock hours per week.  During the 10-week summer period, each academic credit taken for the internship program requires 5.25 clock hours per week. 

Please refer to the table below for specific weekly intern hours needed for each credit hour.

INTERNSHIP TERM 3 credits 6 credits
Fall Semester (15 weeks) 10.5 hrs/week 21 hrs/week
Spring Semester (15 weeks) 10.5 hrs/week 21 hrs/week
Summer (10 weeks) 15.75 hrs/week 31.5 hrs/week
Total hours in program: 157.50 hours 315 hours

Do I get paid while interning for an organization? Most internship organizations do not pay student interns.  Internship experience earns only credit hours for the student. If a company does, however, offer financial compensation, the arrangement is made strictly between the organization and the intern. The School of Communication does not get involved in or represent any financial arrangements or obligations between interns and their internship organizations.

Do I have to meet in the classroom while interning? During the fall and spring semesters, interns will be required to attend five Class Seminars at a designated time, date, and place. These Class Seminars are mandatory, so failure to attend will lower the intern’s final grade to the next step for each seminar missed without an excused absence (students interning out-of-state are excused). There are no class sessions during the summer internship program.

Are there any out-of-class assignments that I have to do while interning? Interns must complete Weekly Internship Reports.  It is the responsibility of each intern to provide a daily reporting of internship hours and a description of all activities performed throughout the duration of his/her internship program. It is also the intern’s responsibility to make sure the Internship Coordinator in the School of Communication receives the completed weekly reports on a consistent weekly basis.  Failure to complete weekly internship reports or deliver them on a consistent weekly basis will negatively impact the intern’s final internship grade. Weekly reports can be turned in on Springboard (through the Dropbox function) or placed in the Internship Coordinator’s mailbox in Kolbe Hall, Room 110.

Additional assignments may be presented in the Class Seminars.  

Near the completion of the Internship Program, interns will also be responsible for turning in the following assignment:

  • Final Internship Paper: Students will complete a final paper in which they describe and evaluate their internship experience. The paper should focus on what the internship experience has taught the student rather than the activities performed (we have that information in the weekly internship reports). Students can recap their efforts, but the paper should reveal how their schoolwork and courses prepared them for their internship. The paper also needs to contain examples where classroom knowledge/theory was realized in the field. This assignment is to be presented in formal report style (double-spaced with no bullets or incomplete sentences) and should contain no spelling, punctuation, or grammatical errors.

How will my final internship grade be evaluated? Your internship grade will be evaluated based on the following criteria: 

  • Completion of required internship hours
  • Compliance with all internship policies & procedures
  • Final Evaluation by Internship Supervisor
  • Completion of and timely submission of Weekly Internship Reports
  • Completion/Quality of Final Internship Paper


Listed below are the policies, procedures, general responsibilities, and special notes for all students interning in the School of Communication Internship Program. 

Internship Responsibilities: It is the intern’s responsibility to follow all the policies and procedures associated with his or her internship and uphold all the obligations stated in the student’s Internship Agreement Form. 

Internship Attendance:  It is the responsibility of the student to intern the required weekly hours at the internship organization and to be punctual at all times.  If students are unable to intern during their scheduled times, they must contact their organization supervisors and make-up the missed hours.  Failure to complete the required total hours for internship will result in an F for the intern’s final grade.  Students can access Springboard to view their total cumulative hours on the Excel Hours Spreadsheet, which is updated weekly.

Weekly Internship Reports: It is the responsibility of the student to complete Weekly Internship Reports (the report can be downloaded from Springboard).  The intern must provide a daily reporting of internship activities performed throughout the duration of his or her internship.  The Weekly Report must contain a detailed description of the specific tasks, duties, and/or projects performed for each day on the weekly report.  It is also the student’s responsibility to ensure that the Internship Coordinator receives the completed weekly reports on a consistent weekly basis.  Failure to complete weekly internship reports or deliver them in a consistent and timely manner will negatively impact the intern’s final internship grade.  Students can use the Assignments area in Brightspace to turn in their weekly reports. It is strongly suggested that the intern keep copies of all Weekly Reports as well.  The hours from these reports will be input into the Total Hours Excel Spreadsheet on a weekly basis.

Additional Internship Responsibilities:  Listed below is a partial listing of responsibilities that the intern must adhere to during his or her program.  Interns must:

  • Never forget that they are representing The University of Akron at all times
  • Display professional, responsible behavior at all times (consider your appearance, as well)
  • Be punctual and reliable (tardiness and unreliability will negatively affect your final grade)
  • Be present at the internship organization throughout the entire duration of the program (no completing the required hours before the program’s ending date)
  • Operate within the parameters set by the internship organization supervisors (no “going above” them)
  • Immediately contact the Internship Coordinator of any problems/conflicts/issues arising from the internship 


Lunches:  If students intern eight or more hours a day, they must take at least a one ½ hour break.  They will need to confirm this on their Weekly Internship Reports by writing “yes” in the appropriate column.  Breaks do not count toward the total of daily internship hours.

Inclement Weather/Community Crisis: If The University of Akron cancels classes due to inclement weather or to a community crisis, interns with placements on campus and off-campus are not required to report to their internship organizations (or attend a class session if one is scheduled).  It is the responsibility of the interns to contact their supervisors and report their absence.

Specific University Campus Closing: If The University of Akron cancels classes due to a situation specific to the campus only (such as a power outage), interns with placements on campus are not required to report to their internship organizations. However, for those interns with placement off-campus, it is required that they tend to their internship obligations. If an internship class session is scheduled when the campus closes, all interns, of course, will be excused and the class session will be rescheduled.

Holiday Closing:  If The University of Akron is closed due to a holiday, all interns are not required to report to their internship organizations; however, average intern hours for that day can be reported.