Alpha Delta Pi - A Δ Π

Chapter Name: Beta Tau

National Founding Location: Wesleyan Female College in Macon, Georgia

National Founding Date: May 15, 1851

Local Founding Date: February 5, 1938

Nickname: ADPi

Symbol: Diamond

Colors: Azure Blue and White 

Motto: We Live for Each Other

National or Local Philanthropy: The Ronald McDonald House Charities 

GPA Requirement: 3.1 High School 2.6 Second Semester Freshmen 

Chapter House: 291 Spicer St. Akron, OH 44304

National Website:

Local Website:  


Twitter: @ADPi_Akron

Instagram: @adpi_akron

Chapter President: Kendal Gannet 

Chapter President's Email:


Chapter Bio:

Alpha Delta Pi was the first sorority founded by women for women on May 15th, 1851. Ever since, Alpha Delta Pi has been empowering women to strive for higher standards in education, friendship, philanthropic duties, service, and leadership to enrich lives not only for themselves but for the community.

Alpha Delta Pi believes that by following our motto, "We Live For Each Other," our lives will be enriched by true friendships and by unselfish service to mankind. By honoring our traditions and values which our founders set forth we are able to do so. We believe that a college education not only means striving for academic excellence but also creates a path for women to develop into courageous, passionate, and selfless leaders. Members of Alpha Delta Pi are able to grow positively and have sisterhood and friendship to guide them along the way.

The sisterhood of Alpha Delta Pi does not only exist throughout the duration of a member's college career, but is lifelong. The Alpha Delta Pi sisters at The University of Akron have a strong bond with the Alumnae members in the surrounding area. Every year we celebrate our founding and the over 75 years we have spent on The University of Akron's campus. Bringing together so many of our members truly exemplifies a sisterhood that lasts a lifetime.

