Performance tracker procedure

Performance Tracker, Fall, 2024

Undergraduate music majors:  If you have not yet, please be sure to register for MUSIC:157:001 Performance Seminar.  

  • All undergraduate School of Music majors are to enroll for Performance Seminar, MUSIC:157:001, every semester.  Zero credits – no cost to you.
  • Your advisor will provide guidance as to how many Performance Seminar credits you will need to complete your degree. 

• 20 recitals/concerts/performances will be required for full credit.  
• No "paying forward" or "paying backward" for performance tracker.  You must attend 20 performances each semester.  

REMEMBER:  If you are performing in an evening concert, degree or non-degree recital, major conducted ensemble performance, chamber group performance, etc., you are not eligible to receive Performance Tracker credit for that concert.   You are, however, eligible for Performance Tracker Credit if you are performing for your section during your weekly Performance Seminar meetings.  

Please contact your applied instructor for details.  

On campus and School of Music events:

  • Access the QR code provided at each concert and complete the sign in process.  The QR code will activate 15 minutes before the beginning of the event. 
  • The QR code will expire 15 minutes after the event begins. 
  • Be sure to click on the button that says "Send me an email receipt of my responses."  It is your responsibility to keep those receipts and keep track of how many performances you have attended. 
    • IMPORTANT:  Scan in and out for evening and weekend concerts and recitals.  
      Scan once before the concert begins, and once at the conclusion of the event.  

Off-campus concerts:

Outside of UA events are allowed; however, they should be classical, jazz, or musical theatre - no rock concerts or clubs are permitted. Blu+ Jazz Performances are acceptable. If you're not sure if a concert will qualify for Performance Tracker credit, please ask your applied instructor.

To attend an outside concert, simply complete the form found here to submit outside of campus events, beginning Monday, August 26.

  • Complete a form for each outside of campus event within 7 days of the event. Entries past the due date will be disregarded for credit.
  • Make sure you take a photo of the concert or recital while it's in progress. You'll need it for the form. You may also submit a photo of the concert program.
  • Be sure to click on the button that says “Send me an email receipt of my responses.” KEEP THOSE EMAILS.
  • Deadline for attendance for Fall 2024:  Sunday, December 8, 2024, 11:59 p.m.  
  • Deadline for submission of outside concerts for Fall 2024: Wednesday, December 11, 11:59 p.m.

Performance Tracker totals will be sent to each registered student at approximately 8 weeks and 12 weeks into the semester. It is your responsibility to keep track of how many recitals/concerts/performance you have attended via the two courtesy totals and your receipts.  Please save your receipts. 

    TIP:  It is always a good idea to attend more performances than is required.  Support your fellow students, faculty, and guest artists, learn valuable performance techniques, and enjoy the concerts!